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Enrollment & Special Fees Portal
This page is for all your enrollment and re-enrollment payments. We use PayPal for our online payment system which means that a small fee is charged for using this service.
Note - if you have a Paypal account, you should log in when prompted. You can alternatively choose "Pay with Debit or Credit Card".
Enrollment & Annual Re-enrollment Fees
1st Time Enrollment Fee $200

First time enrollment fee can be paid here. This fee is payable upon first applying to Sea Cadets and covers your initial membership fees to USNSCC as well as your unit fees and uniform deposit. Initial enrollment is $200. Please inquire about sibling discounts at
1st Time Enrollment - Additional Siblings EACH = $100

For each additional sibling, the enrollment fee drops to $100. First use the button above for the first child, then use this button for each additional child registered.
Annual Renewal Fee $99

Re-Enrollment fees are paid annually on the anniversary of your initial enrollment. This is $99.
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